Thursday, August 13, 2009

week 2

This week we taught Cameron and Sam how to program the NXT through the laptop.

For our first challenge we had to teach Sam and Cameron how to make the robot go in a straight line and then beep. Once we had done that we got given another challenge. This challenge said that we had to go around two markers by doing a figure 8. Unfortunately we did not succeed in doing this but we did get it to do half a figure 8.

We had to design our forest floor on a piece of paper this was really fun because we could add in other fairy tales like Three Little Pigs, Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel.

Next week we hope to learn how to use the light sensors because that will help us a lot.

Week 3

This week we made our forest floors bigger and we made some trees and a house to go with it. Then we went to the hall and we had a challenge to do. This weeks challenge was to program the robot to use the light sensors to navigate along a black line that went in a circle, if we accomplished that, we had to try it on a squiggly line.

This time we did manage to complete both of the challenges. It was good because before we didn't know how to use the light sensors and now we do so this helped us a lot.

Next week we hope to finish off our basic forest floor and get started with trees houses rivers and a bridge. We also need to practice with the light sensor so we can make it follow the line every time and on all tracks.

Monday, August 3, 2009

week 1

Today our class rode our bikes to Bethlehem School to get to know our buddies, use our robots and create our blogs. My partner and I got on really well with our buddies and they were really well behaved, they were really helpful and they gave us lots of ideas for a group name. On that day we programmed the NXT robot to drive around a milk bottle and back. We had a little trouble with that because my partner and I had only programmed the robot by laptop. That's when our buddies stepped in, they managed to programme the robot from the small command pannel on the NXT. It worked and we managed to make it do the course in the end. We can't wait till next Thursday.